Category: Fitness Tips

  • The Best Exercises for Brain Health As You Age

    The Best Exercises for Brain Health As You Age

    [ad_1] When it comes to aging well, exercise is frequently touted for its breadth of advantages, including maintaining healthy heart function, keeping your metabolism on track, and boosting flexibility and strength for better mobility. But there’s another big benefit to add to that list: brain health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

  • Should You Do a Full-Body Workout Every Day?

    Should You Do a Full-Body Workout Every Day?

    [ad_1] Finding a workout regimen that resonates and compels you to stay committed can be as difficult as the workout itself. In today’s wide fitness landscape, the endless options from strength training to Pilates can be overwhelming. So, when you find a routine that excites you and aligns with your goals, it’s only natural to…

  • The Best Intermediate Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Practice

    The Best Intermediate Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Practice

    [ad_1] Once you’ve gotten the hang of downward dog and happy baby, you might find it’s time to level up your yoga practice. Trying more difficult intermediate poses not only challenges your balance and flexibility but also your mental strength as you work through the initial discomfort and self-doubt. Even as a beginner, you can…

  • Urban Hiking Is TikTok’s Newest Walking Trend

    Urban Hiking Is TikTok’s Newest Walking Trend

    [ad_1] The word “hiking” probably conjures up images of mountains, evergreen trees, crunchy dirt paths, and a respite from the company of other humans. The concept of urban hiking, then, may seem like an oxymoron. Instead of dirt, trees, and quiet, it’s all…cement, stoplights, and car exhaust? But don’t let the initial impression deter you.…

  • Crow Pose Progression: How To Work Up To the Yoga Pose

    Crow Pose Progression: How To Work Up To the Yoga Pose

    [ad_1] Crow pose is a hallmark yoga move that requires strength, balance, and wrist mobility. If nailing it has been a challenge for you, know that you’re certainly not alone. It’s an advanced yoga pose that many people struggle with as they move through their practice. However, there are several ways you can ease into…

  • A 10-Minute Triceps Workout to Build Arm Strength

    A 10-Minute Triceps Workout to Build Arm Strength

    [ad_1] Despite being the largest muscles in your arms, your triceps are generally not the first muscles you think of when you think about training this body part. That title goes to the big, bad biceps. However, to get strong arms, your fitness routine should include both. “Triceps are a key muscle for arm and…

  • Plank vs. Crunch: Which Is Better for a Solid Core?

    Plank vs. Crunch: Which Is Better for a Solid Core?

    [ad_1] When it comes to strengthening your midsection, crunches and planks are considered the holy grail. However, these exercises target your muscles differently, and there are pros and cons to each. Here’s how to properly do both of these exercises, plus what you should consider when incorporating each into your routine. Crunches A traditional go-to…

  • Sumo Squat Muscles Worked: A Definitive Guide

    Sumo Squat Muscles Worked: A Definitive Guide

    [ad_1] The sumo squat is an excellent exercise for strengthening and toning your glutes and inner thighs, while also improving hip mobility. By slightly modifying the traditional squat, the sumo squat works your muscles in a unique way. Incorporating this squat variation into your workout routine can be seriously beneficial. This sumo squat got its…

  • Best Gluteus Medius Exercises: 11 Moves to Build Your Butt

    Best Gluteus Medius Exercises: 11 Moves to Build Your Butt

    [ad_1] When we think about our butt muscles, the gluteus maximus usually gets all the glory. The largest and strongest of the bunch, this baby takes most of the responsibility for creating a powerhouse backside (and that perky peach shape). But the muscle that most of us actually need to pay more attention to is…

  • The Benefits of Laughter for Gym Anxiety

    The Benefits of Laughter for Gym Anxiety

    [ad_1] In theory, fitness is meant to be fun. But while endorphins are great and moving our bodies is a privilege, hearing that you’re supposed to enjoy something that you secretly hate isn’t exactly helpful advice. In fact, it can make you feel pretty shitty. This is all too familiar for comedian Hannah Berner, who’s…