Author: fromflabtofit

  • The Best Exercises for Brain Health As You Age

    The Best Exercises for Brain Health As You Age

    [ad_1] When it comes to aging well, exercise is frequently touted for its breadth of advantages, including maintaining healthy heart function, keeping your metabolism on track, and boosting flexibility and strength for better mobility. But there’s another big benefit to add to that list: brain health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

  • Should You Do a Full-Body Workout Every Day?

    Should You Do a Full-Body Workout Every Day?

    [ad_1] Finding a workout regimen that resonates and compels you to stay committed can be as difficult as the workout itself. In today’s wide fitness landscape, the endless options from strength training to Pilates can be overwhelming. So, when you find a routine that excites you and aligns with your goals, it’s only natural to…

  • How Long Does a Heart Attack Last? Understanding the Timeframe

    How Long Does a Heart Attack Last? Understanding the Timeframe

    [ad_1] Heart attacks, no matter how big or small, should be taken seriously. They are defined as acute events, meaning they can happen suddenly, and are often caused by a lack of blood flow and oxygen to your heart, per the American Heart Association (AHA). But exactly how long does a heart attack last? Heart…

  • The Best Intermediate Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Practice

    The Best Intermediate Yoga Poses to Enhance Your Practice

    [ad_1] Once you’ve gotten the hang of downward dog and happy baby, you might find it’s time to level up your yoga practice. Trying more difficult intermediate poses not only challenges your balance and flexibility but also your mental strength as you work through the initial discomfort and self-doubt. Even as a beginner, you can…

  • Urban Hiking Is TikTok’s Newest Walking Trend

    Urban Hiking Is TikTok’s Newest Walking Trend

    [ad_1] The word “hiking” probably conjures up images of mountains, evergreen trees, crunchy dirt paths, and a respite from the company of other humans. The concept of urban hiking, then, may seem like an oxymoron. Instead of dirt, trees, and quiet, it’s all…cement, stoplights, and car exhaust? But don’t let the initial impression deter you.…

  • Insomnia During Pregnancy: Natural Remedies

    Insomnia During Pregnancy: Natural Remedies

    [ad_1] “Sleep while you can. You’re going to miss it once the baby comes.” If you’ve ever been pregnant (or currently are) this is probably advice you’ve heard time and time again. But for some parents-to-be, a lack of sleep is a real struggle that starts way before there’s a crying newborn waking them up…

  • Crow Pose Progression: How To Work Up To the Yoga Pose

    Crow Pose Progression: How To Work Up To the Yoga Pose

    [ad_1] Crow pose is a hallmark yoga move that requires strength, balance, and wrist mobility. If nailing it has been a challenge for you, know that you’re certainly not alone. It’s an advanced yoga pose that many people struggle with as they move through their practice. However, there are several ways you can ease into…

  • HRT and Heart Disease: Understanding the Connection

    HRT and Heart Disease: Understanding the Connection

    [ad_1] Like many decisions regarding your health, the decision to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause is a very personal one. And likely one that’s not easy to make. Personally, I debated back and forth for a while about whether or not I wanted to try out HRT, and turned to menopause support groups…

  • Runner’s Diarrhea Isn’t Actually ‘Normal’

    Runner’s Diarrhea Isn’t Actually ‘Normal’

    You’ve seen the pictures: The ones where a runner is covered in their own feces, struggling through the end of a race. Maybe your marathon-running bestie has war stories of barely making it to the porta-potty—or not making it all. But runner’s trots are normal, right? Well, no. It turns out runner’s diarrhea is not…

  • What To Know About Drinking Prebiotic Soda With IBS

    What To Know About Drinking Prebiotic Soda With IBS

    [ad_1] Prebiotics, not to be confused with probiotics, are popping up everywhere, including in soda cans. Drinks like OLIPOP contain a whopping nine grams of fiber per serving, about a third of the recommended fiber intake for American adults. While these health benefits sound amazing on paper, emerging anecdotal stories from consumers complaining of some…