Category: Healthy Body

  • How Long Does a Heart Attack Last? Understanding the Timeframe

    How Long Does a Heart Attack Last? Understanding the Timeframe

    [ad_1] Heart attacks, no matter how big or small, should be taken seriously. They are defined as acute events, meaning they can happen suddenly, and are often caused by a lack of blood flow and oxygen to your heart, per the American Heart Association (AHA). But exactly how long does a heart attack last? Heart…

  • Insomnia During Pregnancy: Natural Remedies

    Insomnia During Pregnancy: Natural Remedies

    [ad_1] “Sleep while you can. You’re going to miss it once the baby comes.” If you’ve ever been pregnant (or currently are) this is probably advice you’ve heard time and time again. But for some parents-to-be, a lack of sleep is a real struggle that starts way before there’s a crying newborn waking them up…

  • HRT and Heart Disease: Understanding the Connection

    HRT and Heart Disease: Understanding the Connection

    [ad_1] Like many decisions regarding your health, the decision to start hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause is a very personal one. And likely one that’s not easy to make. Personally, I debated back and forth for a while about whether or not I wanted to try out HRT, and turned to menopause support groups…

  • What To Know About Drinking Prebiotic Soda With IBS

    What To Know About Drinking Prebiotic Soda With IBS

    [ad_1] Prebiotics, not to be confused with probiotics, are popping up everywhere, including in soda cans. Drinks like OLIPOP contain a whopping nine grams of fiber per serving, about a third of the recommended fiber intake for American adults. While these health benefits sound amazing on paper, emerging anecdotal stories from consumers complaining of some…

  • Best Heart Rate Monitor Watch: 2024 Picks

    Best Heart Rate Monitor Watch: 2024 Picks

    [ad_1] Wearable technology is a health and fitness trend that’s not likely going away anytime soon. Tracking health metrics like your fitness, sleep quality, menstrual cycle, and workout recovery has never been easier with more and more products hitting the market every year. Heart rate monitor watches—aka smartwatches—are one of these products, which can give…

  • Breastmilk Supply Dropped: Causes and Remedies

    Breastmilk Supply Dropped: Causes and Remedies

    [ad_1] Breast or chestfeeding can be a beautiful bonding experience with your baby. But it can also bring up some anxieties for some people—one of them being about keeping up milk supply. Rest assured: Most people make just the right amount of breastmilk to meet their baby’s needs, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture…

  • How To Get Rid of Indigestion: Effective Remedies and Tips

    How To Get Rid of Indigestion: Effective Remedies and Tips

    [ad_1] Let’s imagine for a moment that you’ve gone out for burgers and beer (or nachos and margs, if you’re like me) with friends and had a blast. You come home to chill, and a couple hours later, your stomach feels all sorts of out-of-whack. It’s not necessarily a “run to the bathroom” kind of…

  • Causes, Health Effects, and How to Begin to Heal

    Causes, Health Effects, and How to Begin to Heal

    [ad_1] I hated being pregnant. With endless food aversions, a heightened sense of smell that made everything and everyone stink, an unremitting metallic taste in my mouth, 24/7 nausea, and relentless acid reflux (just to name a few symptoms), I was living in a perpetual hell for close to nine months. While my pregnancy journey…

  • Gustatory Rhinitis: Why Your Nose Runs While Eating

    Gustatory Rhinitis: Why Your Nose Runs While Eating

    [ad_1] Do you ever dig into a meal only to find your nose dripping like a leaky faucet within seconds? Truth be told, this happens to me on the regular… and not only when I chow down on yummy soups or stews and super spicy fare (or if my palate is in for a treat,…

  • Frida Uncensored Launches to Take the Filter Off Women’s Health

    Frida Uncensored Launches to Take the Filter Off Women’s Health

    [ad_1] We live in a world with endless information available right at our fingertips. If there’s something we need to know, we can easily say “I’ll just Google it.” But when it comes to women’s sexual and reproductive health, would-be helpful images and videos are often labeled inappropriate or explicit, and blurred out for the…